
Showing posts from August, 2014

After A While

I have been wanting to write this for so long. But I never got enough motivation to do so. Now, after watching a whole season of a TV series, I know I'm ready to write. For the past months I believe I'm not truly okay. There are certain things that happened which hurt me and made it hard for me to be okay. For some, it might not be a big deal but for me, being betrayed by a friend is a big deal. Everyone might have experienced the same… trusting someone, telling them almost everything about you, letting them know the deep parts of yourself especially your thoughts and feelings and suddenly, they do something that makes you want to take everything back. It is painful. It makes you feel like you're a mess for deciding to trust them. Everything just makes you feel like you are such a disappointment. It is indeed a risk to befriend someone and with that comes the responsibility for making that friendship real. Years, months, weeks,'s not determined by ...