"If this happens, then I will." "If he's wearing this, then it's him." "If the next car is red, it means I have to." Signs. Signs. Signs. Many people believe that these signs are vital and something we should believe. Honestly, I have also been a victim of these. I have been relying on its power for some years now. I believed that if the moment I stated really happens, the first person I'm going to see would be the man I have been waiting for. Blinded by this belief, I became aware of the events in my life. I became hopeful for that "magical" moment to happen. Just last Monday, that moment actually happened. And I was really shocked to notice who the first person I saw was. I know him. Not that I don't like him, but I asked myself if signs were really true. I even asked some friends. One of them said that if that's something you prayed for, it might be true. I asked for that sign two years ago and I prayed ...