This week has been a very good week for me. So many things happened and all of it was interesting and exciting.
Of the seven days, June 20 is the best! Everything that happened on that day was just so amazing and wonderful. First was the subject Political Science 1 which has been added to my subjects for the semester and made it 15 units. Second was the bonus 2 units, Engineering Science 10b. I was so grateful and thankful for these two subjects. Finally, I completed my subjects. I can't believe that I completed it because I was so hopeless the past week and already processing the thought of being underload this semester. But God is really good and He never fails. He gave me the chance to still pursue my dream and be brave to face the challenge of making that dream come true. Lastly, the best thing that happened that day was something I want to keep secret, haha, though some friends knew it. Let's just say that it was something so appropriate for the month of June.
Well, this week is an unforgettable one. I would really treasure everything about this week, hoping to have more weeks like this!
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