
"If this happens,  then I will."
"If he's wearing this, then it's him."
"If the next car is red, it means I have to."

Signs. Signs. Signs.

Many people believe that these signs are vital and something we should believe. Honestly, I have also been a victim of these. I have been relying on its power for some years now. I believed that if the moment I stated really happens, the first person I'm going to see would be the man I have been waiting for. Blinded by this belief, I became aware of the events in my life. I became hopeful for that "magical" moment to happen.

Just last Monday, that moment actually happened. And I was really shocked to notice who the first person I saw was. I know him. Not that I don't like him, but I asked myself if signs were really true. I even asked some friends. One of them said that if that's something you prayed for, it might be true.  I asked for that sign two years ago and I prayed for it whenever I thought of that sign. Then, another friend told me that what if the sign you made is something that can be expected to happen or something you know will really happen. Is it really meant to happen or just a coincident, because  it might be.

He knows what's best.

One question popped in my mind last Tuesday because of this thing, "Why do I have to tell when  I will meet the man destined for me when I know that God already planned that magical moment which could be ten times more perfect than what I wanted?" I remembered our camp last January, particularly Talk 1. It is about God's bigger plans for us, that in times when we are doubtful why things happen, we should always think that it is His will and that we should accept and understand. Yes, I have been thinking about that sign until now. But this time, I know that my perspective regarding this is deeper. I have a more open heart and mind now to think and understand that I should not put my heart's desires first because it is God's that prevails.


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