number one

Wow! This is my first time to have a blog and it feels so nice that I already have it. I can now tell what I wanted to tell without tiring  my hands through writing in a diary.

So I'll start telling about what happened to me this week :) Last May 14 was the parade of the carabaos in my hometown. The uncountable carabaos were so great especially those who knelt during the parade.

On May 15, I went to church and realized something important about good shepherds. When I heard of the psalm from the bible that means so much to me, I almost cry because that was one of my favorite bible verses. Knowing that I am so blessed and loved by God and the people around me feels like real heaven.

Today May 17, I went to a mall with my cousins and aunt to buy a gift and I love being with them. The fact that I'm with people who I enjoyed hanging out makes me so happy to the point that  I thought of that day as the "best" day I've ever had. Though that's what I thought, I still look forward for another tomorrow hoping that it's better that what I thought was best.

I can't say anything more. Maybe I'll make more things to tell and post it here next time !


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