At Twenty

Things change, people change and as time passes by, our perspective about people and things changes too. We are all growing old and up. Some may take a lot more years to be grown up, others might take only a few. It does not matter because what's important is that we have that point in our lives when we finally realize that we've changed from being the child who always dream to the matured one who's making that dream come true.

At twenty, I can say that I have already passed the transition stage. Now, I view things differently in a better way. I noticed that there are particular aspects of life that looks really different this time: love; relationship; commitment; career; and success. As I grow up, these matters unraveled their true meaning or should I say, accurate meaning to me. It's in the way I talk about these things to other people that made me realize how much my perspective changed.


In high school, I say "Love is magic." when asked what love is. Now, I realized that love cannot be really defined by just a word. It is defined by passion, dedication, action, commitment, and many other things. Love is truly a complex word to be defined. It is not just a feeling, but a whole package of commitment, sacrifice, and trust.

At twenty, I learned that it is not the definition of love that matters the most, but the realness of that love. It is not how you perceive the word "love", but how true you are to the real meaning of it.


There was a time in my teenage years that whenever the word relationship is mentioned, the boyfriend-girlfriend and husband-wife type of relationship comes to my mind. As time passes by, I learned that there are more types of relationship and that boyfriend-girlfriend or husband-wife relationship is not the most important. I believe happiness is not just dependent on someone, but on some people you relate who brings out the genuine you.

At twenty, I realized that relationship with family, friends, and most especially God, are other kinds of kinship that exists . And I believe, that even though the only relationships someone has are these three, he can be truly happy and complete.


It was a vague word for me ever since the first time I heard it. I can't define it properly and can't spell it easily sometimes. Until now, I still believe that commitment is a deep word with a deep meaning that needs a deep understanding.

At twenty, I know that commitment is something that we know since we were young. But, we don't understand it fully until we grew up and classify ourselves as matured people. It is a fruit of love and relationship. Commitment is natural to people, yet difficult to sustain.


I have always thought of career, simply, as a job. Before, it was just another term for occupation for me. I never really knew its difference until high school. Career is long term as oppose to job which is shorter.

At twenty, I have realized the importance of choosing the degree that you want for the career that you truly desire. College is really a stepping stone towards the direction that you want to take.


I have thought of success as having the job that you dreamed of and being good at that job. It was that simple for me before until many people including my grandparents taught me what true success is.

At twenty, I learned that success is being happy with what you are doing. It is that feeling of contentment whenever you  look around. It is not just about being where you want to be but also, it is about being proud at the path you've taken and recognizing that it is not just you who put you where you are now. That there are people who helped and guided you. That there is God who held you throughout your journey.

I am grateful for the 20 years that He gave me, wishing and praying for more years to come. I can't say that these perspectives are for life because I know that I will still meet a lot of people and experience many things which will end life as I know it.


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